The Plan Trustees (technically Trustee Directors) are responsible for the operation of the Plan and for the management of its assets and treatment of Plan Members. There are normally six Trustees, four of whom are appointed by Virgin Media, and two who are elected by Plan Members (Member Nominated Trustees). The company nominated Trustees are employees of Virgin Media apart from the Chairman who is and Independent Trustee.

The Trustees have appointed XPS Pensions Group to manage the day to day administration of the Plan. They also use the services of Virgin Media payroll team to handle pensions payments.

The current Trustees of the NTL Pension Plan are:

Ross Russell (Chairman – Ross Russell Limited)

Dick Buckle

Dick Buckle (Member Nominated Trustee)

Peter Heslop

Peter Heslop (Member Nominated Trustee)

Plus company nominated trustees, normally three, for details see