l. Name
The name of the Association shall be: NTL Pension Association
2. Objects of the Association
- To promote and further the interests of all members of the NTL Pension Plan and its successors.
- To provide a communications channel to the NTL Pension Plan Trustees, NTL and others concerned with the NTL Pension Plan and its successors.
- To facilitate and encourage contact and communications between members
3. Membership
Membership is open to all ex-NTL staff, or after their death their dependants, retaining an interest in an NTL Final salary Pension. Associate Membership is open to ex-NTL staff not retaining such an interest. Associate Members do not have voting rights.
4. Subscriptions
Payment of an Annual Subscription is a condition of membership of the Association. The Annual Subscription will be reviewed and agreed at each Annual General Meeting.
5. Responsibility for Assets and Debts
In the event of the Association being wound-up or otherwise ceasing to exist the:
- assets of the Association held by the Committee will be divided equally amongst the paid-up Members
- current Members share equal responsibility for any debts incurred by the Association not covered by the assets held by the Committee.
6. Annual General Meeting
An AGM will be held in the last quarter of each year. The venue, date and time of the AGM will be notified to Members not less than 21 days in advance. The meeting will be chaired by the Chairman of the Committee.
Members’ guests are welcome to attend but do not have voting rights.
The agenda of the AGM will include:
- Reports from Officers
- Election of Officers and Committee – Approval of the audited accounts and membership subscription fees
- Appointment of Auditor
- Matters brought to the AGM by the Committee
Decisions at the AGM shall be by a simple majority with the Chairman having a casting vote.
A quorum shall be one half of the membership or 10 Members, whichever is the lesser. In the event of a quorum not being reached 30 minutes after the start of the meeting, a Deferred AGM will be re-convened within one month. Members shall be given at least l4 days notice of a Deferred AGM and a quorum at this meeting shall be those present.
7. Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by resolution of the Committee or written request from any 6 paid-up Members to the Hon. Secretary stating the matter(s) to be considered. The Hon. Secretary shall convene the SGM within one month and members will be given not less than 21 days notice of the venue, date and time of the SGM. The voting arrangements and quorum shall be as for an AGM.
8. Committee and Officers
The Committee shall consist of:
Chairman – Hon. Treasurer – Hon. Secretary – At least three Ordinary Committee Members
Nominations for the Officers and Ordinary Committee members should be submitted in advance of the AGM with the nominees’ consent. Nominations shall be accepted at the AGM only if there are insufficient nominations in advance.
Officers serve for one year but are eligible for immediate re-election twice and thus may serve for a maximum of three years without a break. They may then serve again in the same post after a gap of two years.
Ordinary Committee Members shall serve for two years and are eligible for immediate re-election.
The Committee may co-opt additional Ordinary Committee Members as required for ad hoc duties or to serve on sub-committees chaired by a Committee member. Such additional Ordinary Members shall not have committee voting rights.
8.1 Committee Meetings
Committee meetings shall normally be held quarterly. Any Member may submit items for the agenda of Committee meetings by writing to the Hon. Secretary who may, after discussion with the Chairman, invite the Member to the meeting at which the item is to be discussed. A quorum shall consist of the Chairman and any 2 members of the Committee. Proxy votes shall be ascertained by the Chairman prior to the meeting.
8.2 Duties of Officers
The Hon. Secretary shall:
- arrange and notify Committee Meetings, the AGM and any SGM and arrange for Minutes to be taken and circulated
- deal with all Association correspondence and report to the Committee on same
The Hon. Treasurer shall:
- collect Annual Subscriptions and donations from Members
- ensure that proper accounts are kept at all times and audited annually
- report to the Committee and make available all receipts, payment records etc. as required by the Committee or the auditor
- make payments for any charges/services as may be properly incurred and authorised by the Committee
- maintain membership records
9. Constitution of the Association
This Constitution may be amended only by a resolution approved at an AGM or SGM by a simple majority of Members present.
Record of Amendments
1. Honorary Membership added
- Agreed at AGM 2002 (16th November 2002)
- Eddy Howarth Chairman
- Gordon Verity Secretary
2. Change of name (NTL Retirement Association to NTL Pension Association)
- Agreed at AGM 2005 (12th November 2005)
- Eddy Howarth Chairman
- John Fuller Secretary
3. Change Pension Scheme to Pension Plan
- Agreed at AGM 2005 (12th November 2005)
- Eddy Howarth Chairman
- John Fuller Secretary.
4. Change part 1) in Section 2 from ” NTL Pentioners” to “all members of the NTL Pension Plan”
- Agreed at AGM 2012 (13th October 2012)
- Graham Sawdy Chairman
- Ann Dean Secretary
5. Various changes to allow for a successor to the NTL Pension Plan pursuant to any buy-out of the Plan, substitution of the word guest for spouse, clarification of voting rights at the AGM, the removal of the restriction the three Ordinary Committee Members, and the restriction on officers serving more than one term in a specific office.
- Agreed at AGM (5th Oct 2019)
- Paul Gibson. Chairman
- Mike Thorne. Secretary